
Getting Started


You really can get started straight away, if you just want to sing the rhymes then there's no need to download the songs. Just work your way through the song sheets in the ebook and have lots of fun.

If you would like to take full advantage of all the resources for maximum musical fun then here is your check list of things you need before your first session:

1. Your Playlist (on your phone/ipod for your streaming music app). Click on Playlist for song suggestions.
2. Instruments (items bought at class or homemade instruments).
3. Water Sheet Templates (printed and coloured in ready to go).


Right, you’re all set, let’s get started…

Step 1 – Put aside approx. 20 – 25 minutes of uninterrupted time for each theme (yep no phone calls or checking of messages or social media newsfeeds!).

Step 2 – Set yourself up in a nice comfortable space, sit down together on the floor (you can even invite your favourite teddies or soft toys to be other members of the group and arrange them in a circle!).

Step 3 – Press play on your music device to start This Little Light of Mine for the Clapping Warm Up (you can also watch the Clapping Warm Up video on the home page for instructions).

Step 4 – Have fun with your little one, if they’re a bit older they might want to “welcome” everyone in the circle and introduce themselves just like Sarah! You can then sing the welcome song together.

Step 5 – Work through the songs in your ebook, each theme will additionally have a:

a. Scarf and Rainbow Ribbon Song – play the song on your playlist and dance around the room waving your scarf and rainbow ribbon (if your little one insists on waving both then improvise with a tea towel or pillow case for yourself!). Remember to shake it up high, shake it down low and shake it in a circle round and round…).
b. Water Sheet Song – Using the templates that accompany the theme (penguins, fish, ducks, frogs) and the scarf, take an edge each and put the cut outs on the waving scarf. As you sing the rhyme remove a cut out. Great fun!
c. Instruments Song – grab your bells, shakers and tambourine, plus any homemade instruments and have great fun playing along to the song – the louder the better! At the end of the song you can ask your child to play their instrument loudly and softly/quietly.

Before continuing you might want to sing a tidy up song together to put the props and instruments back in your Time to Shine Bag eg:

To the tune “London Bridge is Falling Down”
Put them back into the bag,
To the bag, to the bag,
Put them back into the bag
We’ll sing another song.


To the tune “If You're Happy and You Know It”
Put them back into the bag and clap your hands (clap clap),
Put them back into the bag and clap your hands (clap clap),
Put them back into the bag, put them back into the bag,
Put them back into the bag and clap your hands (clap clap).

Step 6 – Wrap up your music session with our Cuddle Snuggle Song – sit down on the floor and ask your little one for a great big hug, the BIGGEST cuddle they have given you all week! Then it’s time for Twinkle Twinkle and if you want to sing the goodbye song then that’s a good point to finish the session.

Step 7 – Congratulate your little one on their amazing singing and instrument playing, high five and tell them they are awesome! Say that you can’t wait until they lead their next music session – it really will fill them with lots of confidence.


Make sure you email me your stories of how you are getting on, I LOVE to hear them!

[email protected]

Happy singing!